How would you prepare for 60 7th graders at 9am with only 50 chairs?
How would you prepare for 60 7th graders at 9am with only 50 chairs?
How would you prepare for 60 7th graders at 9am with only 50 chairs?
Where are we heading? Back to our roots, the Refinery wins. Reflecting on the past, present and future of our ever-evolving thINCubator and sharing the shifts of the future.
Let us introduce you to our 6th Refinery offered through the thINCubator. We had 10 companies that gave 8 weeks of dedication.
AT&T Coding & Tech Camp to host 45 Mohawk Valley students for two weeks for free and will address issues of cyberbullying and online safety UTICA, NY – May 2019…
Calling all youth coders and youths interested in coding, the region’s first ever youth hackathon is Feb. 2nd and will highlight the growing interest among local children in the fastest…